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Tori | Surrendering to God as a Christian Creative

31 Mag Ladies I am so excited to introduce you to this dynamic Becoming

Proverbs 31 Woman Meet Tori Simmons! She is an amazing educator & entrepreneur!

Tori, Thank you so much for talking with us! Before we dive in, our readers would like to get to know you a bit more. Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

My name is Tori Lanae Simmons. I am a 26-year-old educator and entrepreneur, here in Bermuda. I currently teach English to middle schoolers, run a social media management company called The Brand Developer, and lead a women's ministry called PG Movement.

Could you tell us about your path to discovering your creative calling? Was the journey smooth or filled with challenges?

Finding my creative calling was definitely a journey I slipped upon. Being 'creative' was the last word I would use to describe myself when I was coming out of high school. In 2019, I was introduced to the field of network marketing. During the years of 2019 to 2021, I discovered my love for creativity within entrepreneurship.

What does surrendering to Christ mean to you and how has it affected your personal brand and business ventures?

I believe surrendering to Christ is a daily action that at times can be difficult to remember. As an entrepreneur, it can be very enticing to figure things out on your own.

I recently came across a verse that shifted my heart: Colossians 1: 17-18 "He is before all things, and by Him all things are held together."

There are many times that I am stressed or even feel that I've reached a 'creative block' and the Holy Spirit gently reminds me that He is with me and available. Before designing and even teaching my class I've come into the habit of asking the Holy Spirit to provide me with His creativity, His patience, and His peace before I start my class or design session.

What is your definition of a Proverbs 31 woman?

I believe a Proverbs 31 woman is a woman who hungers and thirsts for the Lord and for His will to be done in her life.

I believe this woman is far from perfect but her awareness of her imperfections draw her nearer to the Lord.

How do you maintain your work-life balance as an entrepreneur and content creator?

I truly am still managing how to balance the various roles in my life. During my journey of network marketing, I didn't rely on the Lord to be my strength - which is why that season ended in burnout.

I am now aware of my triggers and my inability to 'hold it together.' When times come that I feel myself overwhelmed, I am once again reminded by the Holy Spirit to give Him my burdens.

I truly believe my journey as an entrepreneur has only grown my reliance on God and He is the only thing that keeps me sane daily.

What major influences have helped you stay strong on your journey as an entrepreneur?

My husband David truly is my biggest supporter. He knows what to say and when to say it. There are many times that I want to throw in the towel, but he always manages to encourage me with scripture and to fight through my feelings.

Can you share how this entrepreneurial journey has challenged and strengthened your Faith in Christ?

This entrepreneurial journey has stretched me and continues to stretch me daily.

The verse Jeremiah 29:11 comes to mind when I reflect on my journey.

I made my goals, I wrote them down, I made them plain and the Lord redirected me. I went through a season of questioning why God would take me so far in network marketing to only fail. I spent over a year in a waiting season. I had to work through overthinking the opinions of others, trusting God blindly, and even feeling like a failure. At the end of a prayer and fasting season, the Lord revealed to me that it was time to "come back" to entrepreneurship through The Brand Developer. Reliance is a word that I keep returning to. I think at times, culture encourages us to have a relationship with the Lord for what He could give us. But what happens when He takes things away and redirects you? I believe this journey strengthened my relationship with Christ because I had to get to know His true character. As a result, this ultimately led me to surrender my life to Him. Any plans that I had in 2019 were plans I created out of my flesh, out of my own selfishness. To be rich was my only goal, but now I understand that true riches are found through my relationship with the Lord. The plans that He had for me all along (and still have) couldn't compare to what I planned for myself.

What values, declarations and scriptures keep you thriving in your day-to-day living?

Psalms 139 CSB version is my absolute favorite chapter of the bible. It reminds me how much the Lord loves me and wants the best for me. When I start to doubt my worthiness, I remember that only His opinion matters and He thinks I'm amazing!

What tips can you share with girls your age on becoming a Proverbs 31 woman in this modern world and standing firm in your purpose and calling?

Give yourself GRACE. As a believer or even a woman in general, it can be tempting to strive for perfection. To have the perfect streak on the You Version Bible app, to never miss a bible study or day at church, to spend hours at a time in the Word, to avoid falling into temptation. Yes, all of these things are great and needed but, The Lord doesn't want your perfection, He wants your heart and your willingness. Continue to seek Him earnestly and He will make your paths straight.

Tori, thank you so much for sharing you heart with our readers!

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