Akilah Swan | Business Built in Faith

We're so excited to introduce this Proverbs 31 woman who is making an impact for the Kingdom in the Construction Industry as an Architect. We know that you'll enjoy reading about her entrepreneurial journey based on her deep faith in God.
Akilah , Thank you so much for talking with us! Let's jump right in!
When did you realize you wanted to Launch your own business?
I’ve always wanted to own my own business. That fact has always lingered in the back of my mind to some degree throughout my life and career. I’ve had different seasons where it’s been a stronger desire but generally, it’s just sort of been in the background not, but driving the decisions that I was making. The catalyst that pushed me to change that would probably be the 2 to 3 years before I launched. I began to look at the industry, to look at what I was doing; the opportunities that I had, the opportunities that I didn’t have, as well as what clients were saying about their experience working with architects. That sparked the question of how would I do this differently. What do I want to bring to the narrative of architecture? What would my voice be in the space? However, the 6 to 8 months or so prior to launching prompted me to tangibly consider going out on my own.
I was managing multiple properties at that point in time outside of my full-time architecture work. I was given the opportunity to fly overseas to manage a property. It was a full renovation of an apartment development and I had to work with the local vendors and contractors in a foreign country and that caused me to see, ok, I can do this. But I was trying to juggle that with my full-time job. The Lord prompted me one weekend and said it’s time to launch, it's time to go out on your own, and that was that.
There was no in-depth business plan. But, those years prior, where I allowed myself to dream, and I submitted my dreams to the Lord. Where I would write things down and spend hours researching, endlessly reading about business management, how to be a leader, new architecture techniques and technologies, all of that became the foundation for when I launched. So definitely, the years beforehand as well as those few months before I actually launched, I would say was my journey to starting my business.
Was your support system on board with your career move?
This one is a bit mixed. I definitely had support. I have an incredibly supportive family, but, in the years prior, when I began to think seriously about having my own firm, there was a bit of a divide. On one hand, my family was like, hey, whatever you wanna do, we're with you 1000%! Let’s just do it. Let’s not be so comfortable in where we are and in our life circumstances that we forget that our walk with God is a faith walk. Let's not stay in that zone of comfort because that’s what feels easy when God‘s calling us to do more.
So I had that side of support but I also had the side of, but you have a job and you can work yourself up to become a partner there, why leave? I think, especially for parents, it's scary to see their children take these risks that may not necessarily pay off. So they’re watching this hoping and yet wanting to protect their children. They want us to have the best life possible. So as incredibly supportive as my parents and others in my support system were, some of that mix came from that place as well.

Truthfully though, much of that was just a matter of conversations, and having those heart-to-heart discussions, because oh my goodness, my family, and friends, are so so so so so supportive. Every single one has been a key part of me not only launching the business but running it as well. I am so truly grateful because I launched in the middle of Covid! I needed that support system from the standpoint of what that looked like for everybody to be going through a global pandemic, but also in the midst of starting a business. I’m grateful for the support system with which I walked into that space.
How did this move impact your faith walk?
If I only knew what God had in store! Oftentimes we look at our faith walk and the things that God calls us to do purely from the lens of tangible blessings. The book of Genesis and many other examples in the word of God are testaments to that. But I actually think what has been a greater blessing to me has been the person He has turned me into as a result of my faith to step out. The bonus is God cultivated in me the mindset about what is really possible. Not just in a book but in real-time and in my life. God has turned me into this completely different person, and now that is also impacting the larger community. My business isn't just about me and my own life. I'm getting to touch the arms of the community and people that I never expected that I would. That’s what God does.
God doesn’t just bless us, He equips us to handle the blessings. In every level that He takes me to, He grows me, my character, my resolve, my mindset, and my capacity. That's been huge for me. It’s changed me, it's transformed my thinking, it transformed my faith. No longer woe is me, I’m here, I just made it through the door. No! I have watched God prove himself over and over; it's been a faith builder for sure. Every decision, literally, requires faith and trust.
I remember in about year two of the business where I could tangibly see the Lord changing who I was to become the businesswoman that He needed me to be. I know that I will continue to change, but I remember being at the altar weeping. Nothing was wrong I simply and strongly could feel that change. There’s a scripture in John that says "Unless a seed falls to the ground and dies, it will bear no fruit. But, if it falls to the ground, submits to the process of dying, it will bear much more fruit." That was the process when I was weeping where I could see it. I could see who I once was, was over and this was a new place of birth that God was bringing me to. It’s been such a beautiful thing for me to watch Him do that. To have the faith, humility, and vulnerability in submission to allow Him to do that. Ultimately that's the crux, relinquishing our control to let him do what he desires to do. Not always easy! But, it is really wonderful and inspiring to watch in my own life.
In terms of it being easy to have faith and launch. I would say the decision, when I knew the Lord was leading me to launch the business, wasn't necessarily easy, but it was not difficult for me to say yes to. Some things have happened in my life where God has spoken. Where He’s either told me to move or go or do something. For me, because I knew it was Him, I couldn’t argue away what I’d heard or felt, it became a place of, ok Lord. How quickly am I going to follow through and obey what you’ve told me to do? What are the next steps? In that respect, it was easy because it was about doing what God told me to do.
Can you walk us through the hardships of the beginning to the joys and wins have you experienced in this season?
Do I ever have some stories to tell? There have been a lot of hardships and joys. You know, I’ve definitely not always been in a place to share about the faithfulness of God. I could not see the forest for the trees. There were definitely difficult movements.
In the beginning, there was a particular challenge when a client had come to me whose project I had done before I left my previous firm. We had a great working relationship, the previous job was excellent, delivered on time, and all of those wonderful things. What I didn’t appreciate then is as a solopreneur, you are wearing so many hats, and juggling so much more than just the outworking of the service. The simple luxuries of that team thinking and backing, I didn’t appreciate how necessary that was and the impact of not having it.
Here I was, thinking, I can just do what I’ve always done, what I did before, because I know how to do this, not realizing that there were so many other factors now that impact project delivery than what I was used to. For this particular job, I had my timing done and the initial meetings, but I also had five other projects happening at the exact same time. The consultant I was working with to assist was now unavailable for like two months and there were a few other issues and the ripple effects of it all had me being taken off that project. Man, that was really really hard. I remember the email that they sent me saying that they were going to take on the management and I cried and cried, then, I cried some more. I felt like a failure. It felt like I was the worst person in the world. A lot of my challenging moments with the business have stemmed from that. Moments, where in navigating how to best do what I do as a solo business and the hiccups, learns, and turns, as much as it is part of the process, I feel them exponentially. I put so much of myself into my work, and also, I'm the only shoulder carrying the load. The fruit of it is getting that support and council that realigned my perspective.
I began to grow and understand, "I’ll do this differently next time" or "hey, be kind to yourself, this was really out of your control" because, isolation, traps you into thinking it's all you.
One of the other challenges is understanding if the business should scale up. Having to let go of my admin in the early days was another difficulty. She was so fantastic. We would pray together, she kept me on point in the tasks for the company and just having both that support in the business as well as spiritual support was wonderful. There was a time when we met to pray, part of the business operations, and I was feeling a way about something. She said to me, remember every single time you’ve had something that felt like this, God was always up to something huge on the other side of it and that’s stuck with me. That is a significant part of why I can press through when difficult things have happened. [Now I can say], God I’m believing that you are faithful and there’s something on the other side that’s gonna be awesome. And it’s true. It’s now proven.
Some of the greatest joys I would say, have been projects where I was able to take clients through the full Aina Curated process from conception down to finish construction. Every detail of the project was designed and sourced, for a truly tailored end product. At the end of that, having the clients say that the experience as well as the design exceeded their expectations for me has been a joyful moment. Other joys have been receiving an honorable mention in the Best of Bermuda Architecture Awards, being featured in Kitchen and Bath Magazine, and receiving Contractor of The Year in Island Property News. These were awesome tangible blessings. Also, opportunities to give back through volunteering initiatives to grow and impact the community as a whole, are a sweet spot for me and I praise God for It.
What advice would you give to other women who are struggling with the fear of starting a business?
The advice that I would give to other women looking to launch their business would be to do what God is leading you to do but also to do your research, have an accountability network around you, and be excellent in whatever it is you are doing. What I have done as well as have seen others do is to take an idea and just move forward. Be careful of this, especially if there has been no research into that industry and customer sector. Seek guidance from others in the industry and have a support system in place. Is what you’re doing viable? Has the model been tested, if not, how are you testing it to know that you have a market for your offering?
Be mindful and intentional about taking time to understand God‘s leading and His direction. That is crucial because timing is everything. A God-given desire may not materialize into something tangible until 5 years from now. That leading may not be to go and leave everything and start a business. It could be let’s see where you can help an existing business or volunteer. Perhaps starting something on the side?
Accountability is so important in conducting your business with excellence. It can also be the difference between knowing to wait until the time is right or addressing procrastination.
I also don’t want to underestimate the reality of wanting to launch a business while raising a family. It is difficult to consider stepping out when you have children who you’re trying to put through school, [or] when you have a mortgage to carry, [or] when you are a caregiver to a loved one and they are relying on your insurance. There are a lot of different things that are challenges to starting a business. That is why I cannot overstate having a circle of accountability that is made up of people in the industry and people who can help you personally because the business is you. It’s not the idea. You are going to need help as an individual navigating the highs and lows of running a business.
All of that being said, as a daughter of God, do what God is telling you to do. Pray about it, seek His face and move in the direction He is calling you to move in, even if it is scary or if you have to wait. One thing I know is seldom does waiting mean doing nothing. God preparing you. What can you be learning? How can you be growing? Remember, we are accountable to the talents, and the seeds that God has placed in us. You don’t know what God is trying to do in the community that surrounds you, in your own family, and in you as an individual, that you could miss out on because of fear.
There is a saying, "Fail forward." I say, "Faith forward." Move forward in faith in the direction that you know God is leading you to go in, don't allow fear to be the obstacle.
Can you share 3 things that have kept you grounded through that season?
The top three things that have kept me grounded in the season without question are my faith in God and my relationship with him, my family support and accountability team which includes therapy, and the willingness to keep showing up, being vulnerable to the process and the work as excellently and humbly, as I know to do it.
What mindset have you had to change or adopt to enjoy your entrepreneurial journey?
That is a great question. There is a term called the infinite mindset, and that is something that I feel like I’m beginning to really understand and be intentional about. It’s a term that coaches and authors are using but I feel like as a child of God this is something that epitomizes who He is and if we stay vulnerable to His leading, what He does in us.
A big mindset shift for me has been letting go of a [mindset of lack]. Not only financial lack but a lack mindset where I would tell myself that I can’t do that because I haven’t achieved this yet, or I can’t network, I’m not good at it, or those people can be successful because they have money already. Whereas now, I’ve learned and am learning to be vulnerable enough, bold enough, and in some instances bullheaded enough to go for the seemingly risky or unfamiliar things and trust God in it. Taking an attitude and position of faith that whatever it is will be great and if it doesn’t work out the way I thought it’s because there’s something better.
Another mindset that I’ve taken is one of trusting God enough to rest and take a Sabbath. Being an entrepreneur there tends to be this mindset of hustle, hustle, hustle. I have learned that is dangerous, ineffective, and actually unproductive. I am now enjoying this new understanding of rest and being intentional about it. Spending meaningful time with my friends and family, in nature, and in reflection are important to me. Doing things that I enjoy and learning new things that I enjoy. This trickles into everything. How I show up now is how I show 2 years from now. The small things that I’m doing right now affect that outcome. The excellence that I bring right now by reflecting before I send that email, waiting to give a levelheaded response to a situation, and not being emotional in my reactions and responses but professional, all comes from the humility to slow down, wait, rest. These are the mindsets that I have taken on and am growing into.
What advice would you give to any woman struggling to be a Proverbs 31woman in this culture?
I would first affirm the reality that it is difficult. I think that often we look at the Proverbs 31 woman and we almost take it up like this mantra. I will be this, and I will be that, without acknowledging the fact that it can be challenging to be countercultural. And that in of itself is where our faith is lived out the most, in our daily choices. The daily things that come up that challenge our surrender and cause us to consider compromising and acquiescing.
It is difficult to be the one out on that limb by yourself seemingly looking weird and so I think it is important to acknowledge that it is hard. But I am encouraged and I encourage any woman reading this to know that they are not alone. And, that there is a gift in doing it God’s way. He beautifies us like nothing else. This is the call as children of God; to be light in darkness to stand and look different, and to showcase the beauty and grace of God.
God sees you and He is proud of you so keep doing the hard thing. Keep making the hard choices. Show love and respect in the face of that difficult conversation. Be present and engaging with others showing the light of Christ in your life by not compromising in those situations. Be the one that models forgiveness and connectivity. Go to that function, hang out with that person but be clear on what your boundaries are, and honour them. Know God’s expectations and let that guide your conduct. Being a Proverbs 31 woman is not about hiding or pretending like things are easy but about being intentional. Acknowledge where it’s hard; asking God for strength to help you to do the hard things and not compromise, but also to soar and thrive in God-given joy.
Akilah, thank you for your encouraging story! We know that it will have an impact on our readers journey.
Follow Akilahs Buiness on her socials;
IG @AinaCurated
Website: www.ainacurated.com