Photini-Dawn | Overcoming Doubt and following your Passion: Photography

31 Magazine Readers we are excited to introduce you to this Becoming Proverbs
31 Woman. She is a God-Gifted Photographer and Christian Creative. Please meet Photoni-Dawn!
Photini-Dawn, Thank you so much for talking with us! Before we dig in, our readers would like to get to know you a bit more. Can you tell us a bit about yourself?
My name is Photini-Dawn Ingham. I am 27 years old; I love creativity and express
my creativity through my photography. I am a photographer and love shooting
portraits and fashion.
How did you get into Photography?
I got into Photography at a young age. As a child, I was always in my own world, and once I received my first camera, that’s when I started to capture it. I always saw the world in a different light. I was that child who was always exploring my environment, [I loved] nature, and capturing every moment when I received my first camera. It then became my passion, and ever since then, I have been trying to capture and create the world as I see it.
Can you share with us your journey to launching your Photography career?
Launching my photography career was not an easy one. It all started with getting
involved in photography clubs to help with my learning experience. I then met up with photographers and business owners who helped change, and shape, the start of my photography career and journey. The journey was hard at first because my photography business took a while to grow. Which left me discouraged at times. However, I told myself that I need to make more connections through social media by reaching out to those who are in the creative industry. I would then continue to educate myself by taking online courses and building my portfolio. I was encouraged by my mentor to pursue my business in photography by attending Durham College, where I learned the skills to develop my craft and help my profession and take my business to the next level. I then started to put all that I had been learning from my years in college into play, which helped me to build clientele.
Did you encounter any hurdles throughout your journey? Please explain.
There were many hurdles I faced throughout my journey in photography
and starting my business. Some days I had doubts, business was slow, and others made me question if photography was a good career path. So, I didn’t think that I would be able to do this as a career. There were many rejections and financial obstacles that I faced.
Life kept throwing curve balls at me, and this discouraged me, but I knew I had to keep on pushing myself to reach my goal.
I now know that God was just preparing me for what he has in store for my future. Patience is key.
How have you managed to keep on top of your work-life balance while running your
Running my business and balancing my everyday life hasn’t been the easiest,
but it is rewarding. What keeps me going is my passion for photography. Scheduling is a must; I live by my schedule. There can be so much going on at once, that at times it can be overwhelming.
I find that scheduling helps so that you won’t overwork yourself by trying to have unrealistic goals.
This is something that I am working on to keep a balance between running a business and my personal life. Taking some time out for yourself, and giving time to God, is very important to me when it comes to my life. Because, while we are in the midst of everything, we get so caught up in relying solely on ourselves to get things done, we need to be reminded that we can do nothing on our own.
What major influences have helped you stay strong on your journey?
God, my family, my friends, and other creative artists. It’s great to get those connections with fellow creatives to help keep your inspiration going.
Can you share with us how this entrepreneurial journey has challenged and strengthened
your Faith in Christ?
My journey has been challenging, but it strengthened my faith in Christ because
sometimes it was hard not knowing what my next step was. When things wouldn’t work out, I had to keep finding the strength and faith to continue with my journey. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your path.”
Proverbs 3:5-6
What values, declarations, and scriptures kept you thriving in this journey?
What kept me strong through my journey is remembering to always keep faith. Guidance is always needed, and having faith that you will be guided in the right direction is something that I really value through my experience. The scripture; Psalm 51:10 “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." has meant a lot to me during my journey and understanding what has been meant for me.
What tips can you share on being a Proverbs 31 Woman in this modern world and standing firm in your purpose and calling?
I would say the journey is never easy, stay strong in your faith because God will never fail you. Pray and ask for guidance, do not give up on yourself, because God knows what journey is meant for you.
Not everything we want is meant to happen when we want.
I have learned that sometimes we are being prepared for a greater purpose, so patience is a virtue. Patience is key, it may not be easy, but you will look back on your journey and realize how far God has guided you and how far you have come.
Thank you, so much for sharing your inspiring journey with us!