My tears are beautiful.
They are the evidence of a mined soul,
Each tear a diamond dug up and released.
Each tear a result of a story,
A pain, a fire, a pressure, and then a diamond.
Glorious and radiant, ready to adorn.
My tears are a treasure, found and unveiled by the one
who searches deep.
He excavated carefully,
Ever so gently, brushing away years of settlement
And disgarded things, to unearth a treasure in an earthen vessel.
And when these beautiful tears fall from my eyes,
He catches them and holds them like his sweet anticipated prize.
He joys over these diamonds in the rough,
Something that was once ugly, and damaged,
He turned into a beautiful creation.
My tears are beautiful,
They are a sign of strength and show no evidence of weakness.
They are a sign of endurance,
Because although I cry, I am not broken.
In fact I am healed by the hands of a healer,
Who allows these diamonds to be revealed.