The scripture in Proverbs 31, which we base this magazine on, speaks about a woman who exemplifies what a woman of God should look like. This scripture describes a woman of integrity and strength, a woman so full of these attributes that she is not only honored by her husband but also by her children; by elders and businessmen alike, they all call her "blessed." Even more striking about this woman is that she is not only a wife and mother, which is a blessing and ministry within itself, but she is also a businesswoman and a successful one.
We believe that this scripture is the perfect example of what a woman of God should look like and represent. While culture tries to tell women what we should be and what we should look like, as women of the Kingdom and Daughters of the King, we have a Higher Calling to live in the way that the Word of God guides us.
So we here at Becoming 31 Magazine try our best to live by these attributes, to live Godly lives so that we may be called "blessed."
We are businesswomen, mothers, wives, ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and most importantly Daughters of the King, and we want to share with you the riches of His wisdom that God has shared with us.